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- National Women Build Week 2017

National Women Build Week sponsored by Lowe’s, challenges women to devote at least one day to the effort to eliminate poverty housing. The event is an initiative of Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build program which brings women from all walks of life together to learn construction skills and then use those skills to build decent, affordable homes.National Women Build Week is held the week leading up to Mother’s Day in more than 300 communities across the United States. More than 17,000 women from across the country, are expected to volunteer at construction sites as part of Habitat’s 2017 National Women Build Week. This will be Habitat for Humanity of La Crosse’s 8th year participating in Women Build Week and we will be hosting 50 women throughout the 4 days of construction.
No Experience Necessary –Training is Provided. If you don’t have any construction skills, don’t worry! Many women come to Women Build sites with no construction skills at all and still make a great impact. So come out and learn a new skill or put your current skills to use!
No Experience Necessary –Training is Provided. If you don’t have any construction skills, don’t worry! Many women come to Women Build sites with no construction skills at all and still make a great impact. So come out and learn a new skill or put your current skills to use!
hours pledged53

In Support of Habitat for Humanity of the Greater La Crosse Region
At Habitat, we envision a Coulee Region with ample, quality housing options and healthy, sustainable communities for all. We believe that decent, affordable housing should be a matter of conscience and action; we realize that there are people in our community who are living in inadequate conditions and that joining together we can provide a hand up – not a hand out. Our values are as follows.
Committed to reuse and environmental sustainability: We believe healthy land and water are essential to a sense of home and belonging. Sustainable practices are embedded in our programs.
Rooted in faith in community: We honor the traditions and values of our founders, and we respect the needs and challenges of our local community as we together seek solutions for affordable housing.
Driven to innovate: We believe our mission calls us to be creative in our work. We look for fresh solutions and partnerships to solve the problems facing our community.
Called to advocate: We demand forward-thinking from our elected officials and work to keep the critical need for quality, affordable housing at the forefront of policy makers’ minds.